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![]() From the PRESIDIUM ![]() PRESIDIO Mikhail Gorbachev's departure from the Soviet Presidium to the San Francisco Presidio precipitated a massive import of Socialism into U.S. government.
By Ken Raggio
Vatican-insider, Malachi Martin stated:
"It is my opinion, for instance, that the USSR didn’t disintegrate naturally but was ordered to collapse. Gorbachev was told to vacate his power base, and also to inform other leaders of the Soviet bloc nations to do likewise. Those orders came from the Capstone." Some saw Gorby as the "last remaining Global leader" ![]() Gorbachev's "Green Cross International" based in Geneva, Switzerland, (one of many globalist organizations he has played a principle role in creating), boldly stated in a May, 1997 news release that Gorbachev "may be the last remaining Global leader" and that he is "…a man with a still-unfulfilled destiny." The purpose of this article is to show you exactly who Mikhail Gorbachev is, and examine the enormous role he played in promoting the Socialist Globalist agenda in the West. In this process, you will see that the New World Order, and specifically, the Biblical Antichrist system is well on its way to subduing the earth.
Gorbachev's political and religious allies Mikhail Gorbachev was born in 1931, the worst year of Joseph Stalin’s terror and collectivization of the Soviet Union. The first three years of his life were spent enduring disastrous famine in a peasant family of European Russia. By the age of twelve, the Germans occupied his hometown of Stavropol. But he would not remain in such dire straights. His grandfather was a Communist Party member and collectivist chairman; his father was a local party chief. ![]() These experiences provided a well-rounded initiation for a young aspirant. Gorbachev began as an Agricultural-Industrial Reformer At 35, Gorbachev graduated from the Agricultural Institute as an agronomist- economist. His rapid climb in the world of Communist politics was remarkable. 1969 - Became Second Secretary for Agriculture 1970 - Became First Secretary for Agriculture 1971 - Member Central Committee 24th Party Congress 1972 - Head of Delegation to Belgium at invitation of Communist Party 1974 - Representative to Supreme Soviet 1974 - Chairman of the Standing Commission on Youth Affairs 1975 - Head of Delegation to West Germany at invitation of Communist Party His success made him prominent in the Soviet Union ![]() ![]() He met Premier Kosygin and Andropov in his hometown, and was promoted to Secretary of the Central Committee, responsible for agriculture. Gorbachev was elected to the Supreme Soviet, listed 28th in the Party hierarchy; then named Candidate Member of Politburo. In 1980, he began work on Brezhnev's Food Program, published an article in Kommunist, and was promoted to Full Member of Politburo. He gave a traditional speech marking Lenin's birthday. His success let to International roles Gorbachev led a Soviet delegation to Canada in 1983, meeting Trudeau and members of the House of Commons and Senate. After returning from Canada, the nature of his roles began to change. He was placed in charge of personnel changes in the Party apparatus and government. He was also left in charge of day-to-day operations of Secretariate while Andropov was off on vacation. Given the task of supervising regional elections and recommending younger and more able Party officials in regions where economic performance was poor or where corruption was evident, Gorbachev eventually became the formal Second-In-Command with Chernenko. He was elected Chairman of Supreme Soviet Foreign Affairs Commission. He addressed the USSR’s All-Union Conference on agro-industrial complex. He made the nominating speech prior to Chernenko being elected Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet and was the main speaker at a conference on ideology in Moscow. There he made famous his concepts of "openness (glasnost) as a compulsory condition of socialist democracy and a norm for public life." Going to Britain, he met with Margaret Thatcher and Parliament leaders. Then Chernenko died. In 1985, he was elected General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Nominated by Gromyko, Gorbachev became a member of the Presidium, the Executive Committee of the Supreme Soviet headed by the President. That year, he published a long term economic plan out to 2000. Boris Yeltsin took over as Moscow Party boss. For his role in International Nuclear Disarmament, dissolving the USSR and reuniting Germany, Gorbachev earned world recognition ![]() In 1987, he visited Prague, calling for the elimination of all nuclear weapons from Europe. He visited Washington, D.C. for the first time in December, and signed the INF treaty whereby all intermediate-range nuclear weapons were to be destroyed within three years. That was followed by a 1988 Summit with Reagan in Moscow. In October he was elected President, and in December he addressed the United Nations. In November 1989, he ordered the Berlin Wall to come down. December saw him in the Vatican making plans with the Pope. Next, he saw George Bush in Malta. In November of 1990, a landmark document called the Joint Declaration of Twenty-two States was signed in Paris. That was the turning point in East-West relations. The Cold War was over. His spectacular performances won him the Nobel Peace Prize. Gorbachev became extremely popular in the West Then in a theatrical, if not staged event, Gorbachev was kidnapped and finally released by coup plotters in 1991. In August, he resigned as head of Communist Party. Finally on December 25, he resigned as President, and the USSR was officially dissolved. The world was shocked. In an interview with the New American, (6/9/97), Malachi Martin states,
"It is my opinion, for instance, that the USSR didn’t disintegrate naturally but was ordered to collapse. Gorbachev was told to vacate his power base, and
also to inform other leaders of the Soviet bloc nations to do likewise. Those orders came from the Capstone."
Martin says in Windswept House, "Within two years of Gorbachev’s ‘ouster’, Gorbachev Foundation/USA had moved into the disused military offices of the Presidio in San Francisco. There, with the fantastic view of the Bay to cheer him, Gorbachev set about his new role in earnest. He launched GF/Netherlands, and GF/India (Rajiv Gandhi). And he formulated plans for Green Cross International, his own version of ecumenical activity for the "spiritual alliance of all true believers in man’s ‘earthly habitat’" Gorbachev at the Presidio: a bonus for a job well done? The Presidio in San Francisco is one of the most famous citadels in American History. Established by the Spanish in 1776 on the banks of San Francisco Bay, it has served as a principle American fortress during both aggressions and defense. Operated by the National Parks and Conservation Association, America's only private nonprofit citizen organization dedicated solely to protecting, preserving, and enhancing the U.S. National Park System. An association of "Citizens Protecting America's Parks," NPCA was founded in 1919 and today has 500,000 members. Judi McLeod, Editor of the CanadaFreePress.com published an article on November 15, 2006, entitled, "Nancy Pelosi: One of Mikhail Gorbachev's Most Useful Idiots," which connected the dots between Gorbachev and Pelosi. McLeod explained that Gorbachev, via his "Green Cross International," devised a legal mechanism for converting American military bases to "global centers for sustainability." The breakthrough came at the 1992 United Nation's Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit, one of the largest globalist conclaves in history, including 108 heads of state, and over 170 governments represented. Gorbachev helped create and forward Agenda 21, a "global sustainability" document which, among many other things, helped set the stage for converting military installations around the world into globalist activity centers. Is There A Gorbachev-Pelosi-Murtha Connection? McLeod reported that Nancy Pelosi was "an investor in a real estate investment entity called PRESIDIO PARTNERS." PRESIDIO PARTNERS holdings included the Presidio property where Gorbachev would eventually set up shop. Nancy Pelosi worked with Congress on the basis of Agenda 21 of the United Nation's Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit, and House Joint Resolution 166 to pave the way for the Presidio to be available to such entities as Gorbachev's. Working with Pelosi, John Murtha played a key role in working with US Navy officials, Pelosi's nephew and PRESIDIO PARTNERS to ultimately bring about Gorbachev's tenancy at the Presidio. In October, 1996, the US Congress passed a sweeping reform bill HR 4236, which, among other park reforms, "establishes a new management structure for the historic Presidio in San Francisco." Reading between the lines, the US government essentially handed over this prize compound to the New World Order gang. In a nutshell, the Presidio quickly took its place as a Globalist Utopia, free of US controls. The typical world citizen would be shocked to learn the real agenda of these "master engineers and facilitators". "Pelosi cheered the arrival of Gorbachev to the Presidio as a tenant," in a speech before the House of Representatives on June 4, 1992, entitled, “From Swords to Plowshares." Pelosi and Murtha showed their true ideological colors in their energetic efforts to bring the world's most influential Communist to American soil to establish his American base for promoting his Globalist-Socialist agenda. The CanadaFreePress.com also reported (11/25/06) that "In April of 1993, Mikhail S. Gorbachev became the first civilian tenant at the prestigious Presidio in San Francisco. In a dedication ceremony, the former Soviet President and his wife were given the keys to a Coast Guard officer’s house by a three-star American general, where they were to run the Gorbachev foundation. The mission of the Foundation was to conduct research on global political and environmental issues." As many other times before and since, Pelosi and her unpatriotic cohorts brazenly utilize their positions in the US Congress to put forward the most reckless globalist-socialist agendas - NOT EVEN AUTHORIZED by any mandate of the American voting public. Her radical liberal, globalist, socialist projects are entirely extra-curricular to her official role as a US Government official. Gorbachev, Pelosi and Murtha are all manifest crusaders of global socialism, certainly not American nationalism or patriotism. One can only wonder just how deep the relationship between Pelosi, Murtha, Gorbachev, and other socialist-globalists usurpers really is. In less than a year, Gorbachev opened his office in a white, shingled bayfront house at the Presidio, under the shadow of the Golden Gate Bridge. Immediately, Gorbachev set about to launch his "State of the World Forum," also at the Presidio. Gorbachev’s "Brain Trust": The New World Order gang It is important for the uninitiated observer to understand that the Socialist New World Order is not being assimilated by so much officialdom (legally commissioned governmental agencies). More often, it is being fabricated by foundations, non-governmental organizations, academia and agents of behind-the-scenes secret societies, referred to by Malachi Martin as "the Capstone" (a term referring to the Luciferic "Illuminati" types, whose diabolic schemes have been evolving for centuries). There are fewer Kings and Presidents playing strategic roles than there are powerful world citizens such as elderly banking magnate David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, media mogul Ted Turner, the late Senator Alan Cranston, Maurice Strong, George Soros, Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, and a cornucopia of high ranking Freemasons, New Age occult religionists, "Green" Environmentalists, and so forth. Presidio Prepared Before Gorbachev Vacates Presidium Malachi Martin, in Windswept House, gives flesh to the evolution of Gorby’s global influence: "Thus, well before Gorbachev ostensibly quit national Russian politics at the end of that year, plans for his future role were nicely on their way. As early as April of 1991, (Gorbachev’s) American friends and sponsors had set up the nonprofit nucleus for what would eventually be known as the Gorbachev Foundation. But they had to first call it the Tamalpais Institute of San Francisco [named after the local mountain, Tamalpais]. They couldn’t decently call it the Gorbachev Foundation while Gorbachev was still the master of all the Russias! But they could - and in May of that year did - hold a fund-raising dinner at New York’s Waldorf-Astoria. There, in the presence of Henry Kissinger, officials of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, the Ford Foundation, and the Pew and Mellon Funds all pitched in with a guarantee to supply the Gorbachev Foundation with its start up bankroll of $3.05 million." And not for GF/USA only. A Moscow branch of the Gorbachev Foundation - GF/Russia - would be housed by Yeltsin in the long-established International Lenin School. The ILS offered such advantages as its location at the center of Moscow and its trained working staff of one hundred academics, all provided at government expense." And, I might add, home-grown Leninist Socialists! What is going on at the Presidio? ![]() Former Senator Alan Cranstron was quoted as saying, "There appears to be a great cynicism everywhere about government. And there's a yearning for new directions." Cranston became the Chairman of The Gorbachev Foundation USA. Gorbachev-directed 'brain trusts' would help guide the world's affairs. The 'Earth Charter,' composed by Gorbachev and UN environmental guru Maurice Strong, was presented at the Presidio conference. Among the invited guests to this State of the World Forum were former US President George Bush; former UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher; Vaclav Havel, President of Czechoslovakia; former Japanese Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone; Anglican Bishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa; media mogul Ted Turner; Microsoft Chairman William Gates; US Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich; and Alvin Toffler, author of futurist books like "Future Shock" and "The Third Wave." Gorbachev has initiated a series of international conferences to offer world leaders, institutions and international organizations specific recommendations regarding the security needs of the post-Cold War world. "The Program" of the State of the World Forum included bringing together working groups of international experts in the areas of: Elimination of nuclear weapons and nuclear weapons testing; Drafting a new architecture for global security in the post Cold War world; and Developing improved methods of ethnic, religious and regional conflict resolution. Focus papers written by prominent individuals in these fields provided a basis for discussion. Working group meetings were held in September, 1993 in Moscow, Russia; in April, 1994 in Washington, D.C.; and the final conference was held in September 1994 in New Delhi, India. Gorbachev presented the findings of this two-year international project to the Council on Foreign Relations in New York in October, 1994 with subsequent publication and distribution to international institutions. Gorbachev’s International Web of influence ![]() Here are only a few: ![]() Gorbachev's World Without Wars 2000 was part of an all-volunteer international project, launched by members of the international New Humanist Movement in 1995. Its campaign "Year 2000 - 7 Days Without Wars" gained momentum in at least 25 countries, (including Russia, several Eastern and Western European countries, the Philippines, Hong Kong, South America, Israel, Australia, the US and Canada). Gorbachev and Noam Chomsky, MIT professor and renowned Anarchist/Libertarian Socialist were two of the prominent voices in that movement. Disarmament, from the national level down to individual gun control was on the agenda. Any thinking person could plainly see that the overall purpose was to disarm the United States, in which case, global Communism would have absolutely no deterent. The "Green Movement" ultimately produced what is now known as "Cap and Trade." Cap and Trade is short-hand for limiting, or capping pollutant emissions or buying, or trading an emissions license from another entity whose pollutions are below the cap. While keeping the air clean is a noble cause, the cap and trade agenda is all about bankrupting the United States of America by forcing it to shut down its polluting business, or paying billion, if not trillions of dollars in trade to non-developed nations for their polluiting rights. The International Nuclear Safety Foundation (INSF), launched in Vienna, on June 26, 1997, according to Reuters. Its aim is to step up pressure on governments to improve nuclear safety standards by mobilizing public opinion. Can Gorby really solve the world’s problems? In September of 1991, as the fifteen republics of the Soviet Union were breaking up, Gorbachev said, "Only Jesus Christ could take a few loaves of bread and feed the thousands ... Only Jesus Christ could solve problems such as these." It would be good if he would apply that wisdom to the entire Global dilema today. Instead of pressing for New World Order, press for the return of Jesus Christ. Believers already know Who the real Final Solution is! We would do well to keep an eye peeled on Gorbachev and any of the movers and shakers that hang around him. These guys are running the New World Order. So, why do I write articles such as these and present them as relevant to Bible Prophecy? Because the Bible prophesies a world-wide government that is SCARLET-COLORED, - the color of COMMUNISM-SOCIALISM. When the United States becomes completely Socialist - and it won't be very long now - the entire world will belong to a SCARLET-COLORED BEAST. That is the world of the Antichrist, and that is the world to which Jesus Christ will return at Armageddon. It can't be long now. EDITORIAL NOTE: Since this article was first written, the people who were the major players in the State of the World forum have moved into more effective venues, not the least of which is Bill Clinton's "Clinton Global Initiative" held annually in New York City. The State of the World forum provided the early venues, but the concepts have gone MAINSTREAM since this article was written!! For what it's worth, Barack Obama and Joseph Biden secretly met with Mikhail Gorbachev IN THE WHITEHOUSE on March 20, 2009. The meeting was NOT published beforehand, and nobody in the public knows what was discussed. Stephen R. Hurst wrote a piece for the Associated Press on April 19, 2009, in which he favorably compared Obama with Gorbachev.
THE TEN PLANKS OF SOCIALISM, as written by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels in 1848. 1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes. 2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax. 3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance. 4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels. 5. Centralization of credit in the banks of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly. 6. Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the state. 7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state; the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan. 8. Equal obligation of all to work. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture. 9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of all the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the populace over the country. 10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, etc. As the United States is being swallowed up by Socialism under Obama-Pelosi-Murtha types, the sad reality is that once the United States is effectively overthrown, there will be no remaining superpower to countermand global Socialism. The Scarlet Red Beast of World Government, A.K.A. the Antichrist government, will have finally arrived. It may be sooner than you think! I am continually writing new content for this site. Please return often for more material, and tell your friends about www.kenraggio.com , too! THANKS! And God bless you! Ken Raggio ![]() Click here for BOOKS and VIDEOS by Ken Raggio ALL ARTICLES WRITTEN BY KEN RAGGIO, Copyright 1988-2010 Articles may not be republished on the Internet without express permission. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Thanks for coming by!
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