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What Major Prophetic Events Should We Be Bracing For? Here is a list of prophesied events you should prepare for. By Ken Raggio I wrote the first edition of this chronology in 1997. I continue to add details as prophetic details unfold. I personally believe that we should prepare ourselves spiritually, mentally and psychologically for the dramatic events of the final seven years that will bring Jesus Christ back to rule and reign for 1000 years in "the Millennium." We should brace ourselves for the coming events of Daniel's Seventieth week (described in Daniel 9). Most people refer to the last seven years as the "Tribulation." That is really a misnomer, however. In reality, the Great Tribulation will not last seven years. The first three-and-a-half years will be relatively peaceful. The real "Great Tribulation" (a.k.a., "Jacob's Trouble") will take place during the FINAL three-and-a-half years. Here is the general order of events: FIRST HALF OF WEEK EVENT #1 - The Prince of Rome (the Pope) will confirm a 7-year covenant that will determine the fate of Israel. (Daniel 9:27) The event that will signify the beginning of the last seven years is the Confirmation of the Covenant mentioned in Daniel 9:27. "And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week..." Daniel 9:27. "One week" in this prophecy is a week of years, or seven years. Daniel's prophecy specifically says that the Prince of Rome will confirm a seven-year covenant. The Prince of Rome is the evil spirit prince that rules in the heavens over the city of Rome. In the prophecy of Nebuchadnezzar's statue, the Iron and Clay Feet represented the politics (iron) and religion (clay) of ROME. It is the LAST EMPIRE to oppress Israel before Jesus Christ, Israel's Messiah, returns to save them at the battle of Armageddon (Daniel 2:45; Revelation 19:11-21). The Iron represents the political system of the Europeans tracing back to the founding of the Holy Roman Empire in 800 AD. The Clay represents the Roman Catholic Church. The iron and clay feet of the Holy Roman Empire are the logical extension of the IRON LEGS of the Ancient Roman Empire. For this reason, we should expect the Roman Catholic Church, in partnership with the principal European nations to PUT INTO FORCE a seven-year agreement that will effect the PROMISED LAND of Israel. It appears that the Europeans and the Catholics (under pressure from the Arab-Muslim world) will call this shot at the United Nations, and will strong-arm the creation of a Palestinian State, soon followed by the installation of an Assyrian governor in Jerusalem who will eventually be recognizable as the prophesied Man of Sin. We do not yet know the exact identity of the global power who will negotiate and sign this seven-year peace treaty with Israel. We do know that the prince of Rome will CONFIRM it. (If the declaration of a Palestinian state is not accompanied by a major endorsement from Rome, it would not qualify as the Confirmation of the Covenant). At the time of this writing, the most likely political entity for that role is probably the United Nations' "Quartet," which is a four-headed entity comprised of diplomats from the United Nations, the European Union, the United States and Russia. These four heads are identical matches for the four beasts that Daniel saw in another prophecy in Daniel 7. ![]() (This photo was taken in 2004. L to R - Jack Straw, Britain; Sergie Lavrov, Russia; Kofi Annan, U.N.; Condoleeza Rice, U.S., Javier Solana, E.U. A current photo would include the current successors to those diplomats.) These four high-level diplomats in the "Quartet" are attempting to force Israel into a two-state solution for the land of Palestine, AND demanding that Israel give up major portions of the Holy Promised Land for peace with their enemies, the Arab-Muslim "refugees" of the 1967 war, variously represented by the Palestinian Authority, and the terrorist groups Hamas, Fatah, Hezbollah, the Muslim Brotherhood and just about every radical Islamic group in the Middle East, including behind-the-scenes subversive factions from Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and even Jordan. ![]() These are the beasts that will be responsible for the destruction of Israel as we now know it. Their decisions will force Israel into calamitous circumstances that will lead to the great and final battle of Armageddon. (For more details about the UN "QUARTET," please read my article about "The Roadmap For Peace.") ![]() Daniel 5:28: "PERES; Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians (same territory as modern Iran)." The message said, "Your kingdom is divided." Peres [if he lives long enough] may finally accomplish the division of the land that will precipitate a supposed Peace Agreement with the rest of the world. Because Israel has failed to secure peace with the Palestinians for many decades, the newest plan being foisted by the International Community is for the United Nations to unilaterally declare a Palestinian State. The Palestinian Authority finally succeeded in November of 2012 to ascede to "Non-Member Observer STATE" at the United Nations - not yet a state legally, but most consider it to be a de facto state now. An article in the Jerusalem Post, (10/28/2010), had warned that President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority would ask the US and United Nations Security Council to recognize a Palestinian state on the 1967 borders if the current round of peace negotiations fail. Since Israel was founded in 1948, the United States has vetoed every such effort in the United Nations Security Council. But now that Barrack Hussein Obama is the President of the United States, Israel does not have the support it once had from the United States. Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton told Fox News that he does not believe the United States will veto the next proposal to declare a Palestinian State. The PA did not apply to the UN Security Council for statehood, to avoid the possibility of a U.S. veto. Instead, they went to the UN General Assembly where they garnered 138 votes out of a total of 193 nations - a 67% majority. That won them "non-member observer STATE." The Obama administration is likely to allow the Palestinians to declare Statehood in the near future. We may see a Palestinian State in the very near future. What are the Prophetic implications of a new Palestinian State? Will that signal the beginning of the last seven years before Armageddon (Daniel's Seventieth Week)? Not necessarily. First of all, if Israel goes back to the 1967 borders (or somewhere close to that), Jerusalem is going to be divided. When the Prince of Rome confirms a Seven-Year Treaty with the United Nations ("he shall confirm the covenant with many"), I suspect that this will be the CONFIRMING OF United Nations Security Council Resolution 242, or a NEW RESOLUTION, which calls for two things in particular: 1. The withdrawal of Israeli forces from territories occupied since the 1967 war; and 2. "The termination of all claims or states of belligerency and respect for and acknowledgment of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of every State in the area and their right to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries free from threats or acts of force." In other words, U.N.S.C. Resolution 242 requires the Israeli military to withdraw to pre-1967 borders, AND for all states in the region to recognize Israeli sovereignty, and cease ALL hostilities. Needless to say, Israel has not withdrawn, AND the neighboring states have NOT relinquished claims or ceased hostilities against Israel. It is, for all practical purposes, an eternal stalemate. If the CONFIRMATION OF THE COVENANT does NOT prove to be about resolution 242, then alternately, it may be a similar international treaty with such and entity as the Arab League or the Organisation for Islamic Cooperation [O.I.C.], etc. regarding the borders of Israel. When this CONFIRMATION occurs, the headlines will certainly be easily identified as the fulfillment of the prophesied covenant, and we can well assume that the last seven years will have begun. EVENT #2. The Man of Sin will cause craft (deception, fraud) to prosper, and will destroy by peace (Daniel 8:25). The Third Temple will be built in Jerusalem. "By peace," the Man of Sin "will destroy many," (Daniel 8:25). I suspect that the meaning of this could pertain to the Israeli SETTLEMENTS that are scattered throughout Judea (or as Palestinians prefer, "the West Bank"). When the Confirmation of the Covenant is signed, and a purported PEACE deal is reached, it appears that the SETTLERS will not be required to move out immediately. But eventually, the SETTLEMENTS will have to go. By PEACE, the Covenant will DESTROY many. 42 months after the Covenant is Confirmed, hundreds of thousands of Jewish settlers will suddenly become instant targets of hostilities, and many of them will die, when the Man of Sin drives the Jews out of the newly-built Third Temple. This is why Jesus warned them to FLEE as soon as the MAN OF SIN appears in the Third Temple to commit the Abomination of Desolations. But in his early reign, the Man of Sin will "corrupt [his opponents] by flatteries" (Daniel 11:32). Promises, promises, promises. Lies, lies, lies. THE LAST HALF OF WEEK - the final 3.5 years. EVENT #3. The "Man of Sin" will stand in the Third Temple in Jerusalem and commit the Abomination of Desolation by causing the Jewish sacrifices and oblations to cease (according to Daniel 9:27). In the MIDDLE of those seven-years, the Man of Sin will show himself to be a monster, and will completely betray the peace-pact. He will commit the dreaded Abomination in the Third Jewish Temple that will cause the daily sacrifice and prayers to be abandoned. Jesus warned of it in Matthew 24:15, and Paul warned of it in 2 Thessalonians 2:2.EVENT #4. The Great Tribulation, or the time of "Jacob's Trouble" will begin. For 42 months, Israel will undergo the most horrific trial in its entire history (Daniel 12:2, Revelation 11:2). "For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be," Matthew 24:21.EVENT #5. The False Prophet (the Pope) will announce the Mark of the Beast in the middle of the last seven years (Revelation 13). With the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI comes the stark reality that the new Pope Francis is very likely to be the Pope who will introduce the Mark of the Beast. In the LAST three-and-a-half years, the second beast of Revelation 13 (The False Prophet - the POPE) will introduce, invoke and enforce the Mark of the Beast upon the global community.EVENT #6. The Man of Sin will make war on the Church and prevail for 42 months (Daniel 7:21; Revelation 13:7). Jerusalem will be divided at that point. The Jews will control the Temple, but everything else on the Temple Mount will be controlled by the Gentiles (Revelation 11:1-2). That will probably mean Palestinian-Arab-Muslim control of the Temple Mount and East Jerusalem under United Nations monitoring.EVENT #7. The Sixth Trumpet War and the Fall of Babylon (Revelation 9:13-21; 14:8) It seems to me that the Sixth Trumpet War is more likely to take place AFTER the Man of Sin commits the Abomination of Desolation for the simple reason that the entire world will be in shambles following the Sixth Trumpet War (One-third of the earth's population will die during that event). Not only that, but Jesus said of the Great Tribulation, "Then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, NOR SHALL EVER BE," Matthew 24:21. For that reason, I believe that the Sixth Trumpet is actually a great part of the Great Tribulation. It is inconceivable to me that the Great Tribulation will be worse than the Sixth Trumpet War, in which one third of human population will die. I don't think the Great Tribulation will come AFTER the Sixth Trumpet. I think that the Sixth Trumpet and the Great Tribulation will be concurrent. According to the Sixth Trumpet prophecy in Revelation 9, one-third of mankind will die in a war that begins at the Euphrates River. This war is already being staged, and may have already begun. It is escalating as I write. The hostilities will involve the enemies of Israel. The nations through which the Euphrates River flows are already particularly hostile to Israel: Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran (The Euphrates merges with the Tigres along the Iranian border.)The SIXTH TRUMPET WAR will cause unspeakable international chaos and devastation. That certainly seems to be SYNONYMOUS, or at least CONCURRENT, with the GREAT TRIBULATION. I am more inclined now than ever to believe that the SIXTH TRUMPET will occur in the last 3 1/2 years before Armageddon. Armageddon will occur when international armies surround Jerusalem for the final overthrow of Israel, and Jesus Christ comes with all His saints to save Israel. The Bible teaches that Israel will finally be consumed, immediately before Jesus returns. In Moses' day, God warned Israel that if they “despise my statutes, ...abhor my judgments, ...not do all my commandments, ...break my covenant,” He would put terror and consumption upon them (Leviticus 26:15). Again, in Deuteronomy 28, He threatened to “consume” them from off the land. The battle of Armageddon will be the last cleansing, performed by Jesus Christ, prior to the restitution of all things (Acts 3:21). Isaiah 10:17 - “And the light of Israel shall be for a fire, and his Holy One for a flame: and it shall burn and devour his thorns and his briers in one day.” The Consummation Of Israel In the middle of the week, the Man of Sin will terminate the offerings of sacrifices in the Third Jewish Temple “even until THE CONSUMMATION.” What does that mean? From Joshua's day, God warned, “If ye forsake the LORD, and serve strange gods, then he will turn and do you hurt, and CONSUME you,” Joshua 24:20. The horrifying events leading to the battle of Armageddon will CONSUME Israel, except for 144,000 divinely-protected Jews. If those days were not shortened, no flesh would be saved (Matthew 24:22). At Armageddon, Jesus will save and restore Israel. Daniel 9:27 - “...he shall make it DESOLATE, even UNTIL THE CONSUMATION.” EVENT #8. The Wrath of God (Seven Vials of Wrath). The Saints are "not appointed to" God's wrath at this time. (I Thessalonians 5). That means they will be immune to or protected from the Vials of God's Wrath. If you will notice, none of them apply to the saints. (Remember how Israel was immune to harm when the plagues came upon Egypt in Moses' day.) VIAL 1. Will be SORES on all who have Mark of the Beast (Revelation 16:2)EVENT #9. The Last Trumpet, (Seventh Trumpet), The Rapture of the Church and the First Resurrection (of the righteous dead) (Rev. 20:4,5 Rev. 19:9) Jesus will come as a thief (to the unprepared, but not to the righteous) (16:15,16) All these facts show that the Church will still be on earth, nevertheless exempt and protected, during the first six vials of God's wrath.EVENT #10. The Second Coming of Jesus with his saints from the Eastern skies to the Eastern Gate of the Temple Mount, arriving at the Mount of Olives and the Valley of Kidron/Jehoshaphat. A massive earthquake will occur, and the worst battle of all times will begin: Ezekiel's War (ch. 38,39) which culminates as the Battle of Armageddon. The dead bodies of kings and generals will become the Supper of the Great God (fowls eat the flesh of kings) (Revelation 19:17-19). EVENT #11. Ezekiel's War / Armageddon will be fought and won by Jesus Christ (Ezekiel 38 & 39) The Beast and False Prophet will be cast into hell, and Satan will be bound 1000 years (Revelation 20) EVENT #12. Jesus will enter Jerusalem and establish His kingdom there for 1000 years in a fully-reclaimed Holy Land, with expanded boundaries to include everything originally promised to Abraham and Moses from antiquity (Ezekiel 40-48). He will rule the entire world, having Jerusalem as His international headquarters. Gentile Saints will rule and reign as Kings and Priests in all the nations of the world for 1000 years. IN A NUTSHELL: The Rapture and First Resurrection will take place almost concurrently with the Seventh Seal, the Seventh Trumpet and the Seventh Vial. They all converge for a singular conclusion. Jesus taught that the SAME DAY Noah entered into the Ark the rain began. Jesus said that the SAME DAY that Lot fled Sodom and Gomorrah, the fire fell. So... the SAME DAY the Rapture takes place, the Battle of Armageddon will begin! The saints who were just resurrected will immediately return to earth with Jesus Christ to participate with Him in this glorious event in Jerusalem. THE MILLENNIUM EVENT #13. 1000-year Reign of Jesus on earth with the Saints as Kings and Priests EVENT #14. Satan will be loosed for short time, and will attempt to launch another War. But he will fail. Instead, Satan will be cast into hell for eternity. THE END EVENT #15. The Earth and the firmaments will melt with a fervent heat (1 Peter 3:10-12) Time shall be no more. EVENT #16. The New Heaven and the New Earth, the New Jerusalem, and the Eternal Kingdom of God will be revealed. Are YOU getting ready? May I humbly suggest that you put all your personal and private agendas on the back burner and take a brutally honest inventory of where you stand in preparedness for these exciting but apocalyptic events? Our PHYSICAL safety and well-being are secondary issues to our SPIRITUAL safety and well-being. These prophecies deserve our utmost attention and utmost efforts in preparation for the most revolutionary time in the history of mankind. You and I owe it to ourselves and our families to set the highest priorities for both saving our souls and our hides. "What must I do to be saved?" John 3:5 - "Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God." Acts 2:38 - "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost." Find a church that preaches and practices the whole Apostolic Doctrine, obey Acts 2:38, and live a holy, Godly life until Jesus comes.
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